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Contraindications to massage

Massage has many beneficial effects, but there are also contraindications in which it may be undesirable or even harmful. Contraindications may depend on the type of massage and the health condition of the individual. Here are some common contraindications to massage:

  1. Acute infections and fever: Massage is not recommended if you have an acute infection or elevated body temperature.
  2. Circulatory disorders: In case of serious circulatory problems such as thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, massage can be dangerous.
  3. Skin Diseases: Open wounds, pustules, skin infections and rashes on the massage area may be contraindications.
  4. Severe heart and vascular diseases: In some serious heart and vascular diseases, massage may be dangerous and requires prior consultation with a doctor.
  5. Tumours and neoplasms: Massage directly on tumours or neoplasms can provoke their growth and spread.
  6. Acute joint or bone fracture: In case of acute injury, fracture or dislocation, massage may aggravate the condition.
  7. Blood diseases: Some blood diseases such as haemophilia can make massage dangerous due to the risk of bleeding.
  8. Gastrointestinal diseases: Massage may be contraindicated in acute pain or exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.
  9. Pregnancy: Some massages may be safe during pregnancy, but require special knowledge and skills of the massage therapist.
  10. Tendon injury: If tendons are injured, massage may cause additional injury.
  11. Severe pain: If the patient has severe pain, massage can only be performed after consulting a doctor.
  12.  Mental disorders: In some patients, massage may cause additional tension or fear due to mental disorders.

It is important to consult a doctor or an experienced massage therapist before having a massage, especially if you have any medical concerns or doubts about the safety of the procedure. An experienced professional will be able to assess your condition and recommend a suitable type of massage or decide that massage is not recommended in your case.

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